# This file is created by JAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. IMG_0058.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0033.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0037.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0014_2.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0047.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0136.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0137.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0142.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0146.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0148.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0151.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0158.JPG 1389078706 IMG_0159.JPG 1389078706 10719193005_342b834719_o.jpg 1389078706 10719193405_2825d46697_o.jpg 1389078706 10719277324_015029ba6a_o.jpg 1389078706 10719278064_c46c6decc6_o.jpg 1389078706 10719288606_096bb4b753_o.jpg 1389078706 10719472673_57c2f9dddd_o.jpg 1389078706 10719475223_00ceaed1a2_o.jpg 1389078706 IMG_0153.JPG 1389078706 10719273394_4b13baacde_o.jpg 1389078706 10719470613_574dab3d3e_o.jpg 1389078706 10719190315_e4ef08a6ce_o.jpg 1389078706